Quickie on the Low End


New member
Simple question on Low EQ

this is my biggest problem. Whats been happening is that I think I've killed so much low end on my mixes that everthing sounds shallow and tight. I really got into my own EQ's and had ignored the EQ's done by our engineer, since his seemed too boomy. Now I've gone back to his work and removed my EQ's. Modified them and tried to find the richest but not boomy. Can you take a quick peek at this EQ chart I just painted up, and tell me if I'm way off or not? These sounded a 1000x better to me.. Somewhere I lost my perspective before. I found that with what I have that was tracked, this stops the horrible shallow hard sounds I had.

Previously I had the Bass spiked up at 100 hz and the kick was all gutted out real bad below 300hz ! I knew that the 100hz was "hardness" and the kick was gettin killed, but it was the only way I could make them stand out. Other issues abound but just can you take a look at these?


I see how my question may not be so easy to answer

heres' a clue,
the old EQ's that were tight, hard & Shallow

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Nearly an impossible question to answer without posting something for us to hear. Further, what is the scale? Is the bottom line -6dB? -12dB? What? If these are big cuts, I'd question your mic technique since that shouldn't really be necessary.

Like on the kick, a kick mic is designed to provide a bit of boost at 4kHz or so, and depending on proximity will provide a boost or cut at low frequencies. Thus, try moving your mic if you aren't getting the sound you want.

The bass EQ does not make sense to me. Only the lowest fundamentals are 60Hz, like E-Bb. If you want to emphasize low-end, maybe something flatter and wider.

But again, I can't hear the track, so how can I really know?

Finally what is your room like? If you're in an untreated room, I would be wary of making big changes to LF EQ.
OK thanks-
I see now that my question is nearly impossible :(

I'll try to find the old originals and post !

try and keep as much lo end as possible without the mix being boomy. This can be quite hard to tell though. Add extra lo end at mastering to control the lo end with multi band compression. This will give a tight lo end without boomyness or lack of lo end.