Quick Tip for cheapos


New member
Carpets or rugs hung from inexpensive T-Bar lighting stands make ideal sound dampeners. Particularly with foam stuck to them.

Alright, these are hardly scientifically exacting manufactures but they're cheap, collapsible and very handy for those of us not able to spend a week's grocery money per square foot on the 'real' stuff.

See my homepage for a piccy.
They do in my environment, which is not very live for a start.

Little makeshift booths around the mike make my recordings sound more solid anyway
They will be helping but not absorbing all the way down to the low frequencies. You may find your recordings a little boomy.

It's better than nothing if you have that stuff lying around but if you don't then you'd be better off building some gobos and using fiberglass insulation. It's not that expensive.
Yes, that's quite right. But for some of us still at the bottom (or wherever I am), it's a nice half-rung to step up onto.

Horses for courses really because I myself have had no problem with boom, just the higher end sibulance and reverberate distortion.

Mebbes I should have mentioned that earlier.
Mick I agree putting stuff around and hanging anything can make things sound different. I'm not sure about "ideal". Being creative and mic placement can be an art, and DIY is great inputs. I like DIY, buying a bunch of Oralex at Guitar Center isn't my bag either.

I listened to all your tunes and Come On Down was the best recorded imo.
I think there's a lot of room to grow here, same as in my case...no bad crap intended.

Come On Down I would guess is one of your newer ones?
It seemed a pretty good improvement. Keep going ...your on a roll.

2cents is read some of Ethan's stuff (several times), he offers a lot of free things and DIY.

listen to RAMI's stuff too, not a million dollar studio, but the skills and mixes sounds better than some commercial CD's I've bought. Definately good enough to sell and send around. Its sounds great even though he used car speakers as monitors!! its speaker audioholic blasphemy! :p ...

I went to ebay and found that lighting stands were from forty to eighty dollars each, plus shipping of course. The last time I bought a bale of 703 (enough for six four-inch absorbers) is was somewhere around $160. So even if the carpet is free it is no doubt costing you more than getting the right stuff and building decent broadband traps.

The only thing more expensive than doing it right is doing it wrong.
Yes indeed, Get On Down is a newer one. The older tracks I did with cheapo mikes, cheapo mixer, accustics-all-wrong village meeting hall and with far less expertise than now.

I perhaps used the wrong word when I said 'ideal'. Certainly for the price, better than nowt.

I paid twenty English Pounds each (damn US keyboard!) for the lighting stands, the same again for the carpets and nothing for the foam. I'd say that was pretty affordable.

And to act as dampening around the mikes, it does what I need. For other amateur-style dampening applications I can use coats, duvets or anything else which works for a certain job.