Quick Review: Blue Sky EXO 2.1 Monitor System


New member
Okay, 1st things 1st, my primary monitors are KRK Rokit 8's with the KRK 10" subwoofer, calibrated to the best of my ability along with significant room treatment.

Now that that's out of the way, I recently decided I wanted a 2nd pair of monitors to gain multiple perspectives of my mixes. I'm going to keep this fairly short, but all I can say about the Blue Sky system is WOW. No, they aren't particulally flat in frequency; they're more or less glorified PC speakers. However, they do sound incredible in my set up. For general listening I choose the Sky's over my KRK's every time; seriously, if I'm not mixing and just want play-back, I choose the Sky's. They are simply very nice to listen to. They are warm, yet crisp, and with the subwoofer control I've managed to set them up to where they are actually useful as a 2nd reference.

No, I am in no way being paid to say this. In fact, the 1st set out of the box from my local GC had a defective sub and I had to take it back. But now that the system is working, they're perfect for what I was looking for: a set of speakers more condusive of what Joe-Blow Public listens to music on.


They're $350 at MF (see the link); but I picked mine up new at GC for $220 on clearance.