Quick Questions


New member
A lot running through my mind.

First- Wondering about a the TC Helicon Vocal Harmonizer. I was reading up on its features such as its compressor, gate, pitch correction, reverb, and such. I have an Alesis 16 firewire mixer. How do you connect it. And i have a small home recording studio so is this for me. THink i would be able to handle it because i know how to work compressors and gates, but im not sure about pitch correction. I also hear this can do a lot more besides vocals. And can i hook up more then 2 things to it. Im curious.

Second. Whats the difference between my Alesis mixer compared to a Yamaha MG32/14FX 32-Input 14 Bus Mixer with DSP Effects. What is busing? It has more line looking ports, what do they do? Like i only have line ins, and ive seen mixers with direct ins and outs. can anyone explain. This would help me a great deal.

Also, my audix fusion mic broke. Suggestions?
P.s. My snare rings when i hit my toms. Ive tried distancing it, tightening the spring, but its still pretty much the same. Suggestions?

I like that nice kick sound, like hitting a leather car seat. wheer should i have my mic. Front or back?

Recording tracks-
All together, but with no amps, but headphones for all.
Each track seperatley and with headphones?
For best sound ^^
First question is you'll need to use it as a insert on your mixer that way you can add what ever you need after your tracked you'll need a Y insert cable. Second the Yamaha mixer probably has better micpre's then your mixer plus better routing capabilities 14 bus, is more then adequate. Bus means sending different signal to different places besides the main L/R out of the mixer such as subgroup out, aux out, monitor out it saves your butt a lot of time not having to re-patch every time you need to send a signal elsewhere. Direct in and outs is a nice feature because your able to monitor that individual channel using the tape in instead of main L/R out and the direct out goes straight in recorder by passing the need for an external mic pre. And try taking your mic back where you bought it maybe they can fix if it's still under warranty. As far a snare rattles always release the tension when not in use but most snare rattles while beating on other parts of the drums it's called bleed try using a drum damping such a drum gel even duck tape like the days of old before all this technology of drum damping stuff was around. Leather beaters I never used velt always been used on my kit as far as miking the kick I use a front mic and sound hole resonating drum head I use an industry standard AKG D112 some guys also mic both front and beater side but as far as my drum sound I pretty happy with the front mic technique. Finally last if your monitoring thru headphones for tracking is fine but when your ready for final mix-down you need a set of quality monitor with room diffusers and bass traps for accurate monitoring with out it your never gonna get a good overall playable anywhere mix without the accurate monitor set up.
from a blind test posted by someone in this forum, i like the Sennheiser MD421 best on kick, although i have a D112.

just an option.