Quick Question


New member

I will be recording from the digi 002 into a nice powerbook G4....Is it really necessary to record to a seperate harddrive then what my protools is on...or will it be alright or will protools crash on me alot....or will i be fine with the one harddrive....the powerbook g4 has nice specs also and I think 80 GB harddrive....

Thank You
It will probably be fine...its just more effecient to record to a second drive. It will also depend on the number of tracks you are recording at once..
To be exact its

1.5 GHZ PowerBook G4 17"

L2 Cache - 512 kb
RAM - 1 GB
and then I think 80 GB harddrive
If you do a lot of recording (and assuming you don't delete your tracks after you mix), you'll use up that 80GB in a short time. You may want to get that second drive anyhow, or at least some sort of storage apart from your main harddrive.