quick question on partial tracks...


New member
say a song is 4:00 long...you have a lead vocal track that spans the entire 4:00...you go in and add backing vocals to the chorus..so that track starts at 2:00 and runs until 2:30..

how do you add blank space to the front of the backing vocal track so that it starts at 0? it's easy to take things off of the end and beginning (just grab and slide it with the mouse)..but can you add silence that easily?

my solution now is to mix down that one track by itself and re-insert it,

i hate to record from the beginning everytime.. (boring and hard to stay focused sitting there for 2:00 each time i try and record it..)

the reason for this is i am having some things mixed by someone in another program, so i just send them the wav files for the tracks...i want to make it easy for them to insert the tracks and have them all start at 0.


Cut, copy, paste

G'mornin Chris,
I'm a Newbie at this stuff and I haven't actually done this but...
Have you tried recording a blank track and then doing the cut, copy and paste thing with your punch-ins.
Just a thought, cause, after all,
what do I know?
Select "Mixdown song" from the File menu, click on "more options", select the track you want from the "tracks to mixdown" window and click the "Substitute tracks with the mixed down wave files" box. Make sure the mode is set for "Offline mixdown" and click Start. It should only take a moment and the new full length file will automatically be inserted into the song in place of the old one.

Blessings, Terry
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my solution now is to mix down that one track by itself and re-insert it,

ok..so stay the course then..thanks slack:D

thanks terry..i like doing things manually..call me wied ("WIERD!") but when i do things manually (i never delete parts or tracks after recording unless they are a total waste)..i feel safer..

i'll mixdown 2 parts, start a new song file from the current one (save as a new name) and then delete the parts i used to make the composite..insert the composite into the new file..then if i muck it up i can always go back and the npk(?) files are still there to align the parts..(boy i fucked up once and deleted those npk files..."headache city" getting tracks lined back up..sheesh..)

problem is i need a 400gb harddrive at this rate lol..
i know..but my monitor is small and if i get more than 10 tracks showing up in the mixer i freak out lol....:D
have you ever thought of cut and paste?or just starting the song at the point at which the chorus starts and tehn record the backing vocals?