Quick question about organization


New member
I'm just wondering how everybody else organizes their music files. I used to be good at this SIMPLE task, but things just got outta hand as time went on!

Anyway, how do you organize your mp3's, wav's, 16 bit, 24 bit, current releases & older releases? I know this is a lot to ask, but please help me out. thanks!
Hi, if its too out of hand then download Robobasket and follow the tutorials for sorting by size, tags, name, extension, date etc. Many variables to sort with.

I keep everything in either my Windows Music folder or my DAWs preferred folder.
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I basically have a folder on my desktop (that is backed up by Time Machine) called My Songs. Inside it is 9 folders that I can categorize all my music into.


The "finished" folder has all of my finished demos/pre-demos, "ideas" is basically full of Audacity projects with song ideas that I've come up with, "pieces" holds parts to songs that I needed to refer to while I was working on them, "tests" has project files that I tested equipment or recording techniques on, "working" has songs that I'm currently working on, and "final recordings" has all of the project files to my songs that are 100% done. All of the other folders are pretty much self-explanitory.

I keep all of the music I have bought by other artists in my iTunes music folder.

I also have a text document on my desktop where I put cool lyrical phrases I come up with for future use.