Quick ? on recording guitar


New member
Hi guys
just a quick question with regards to recording guitar
Would it be better to record via USB using my digitech GNX3000 or would I be better to go down the path of miking my Peavey Valveking Guitar amp?
I guess the more overdriven guitar tones are the ones im finding particularly hard to nail down, at the moment I've been using the GNX3000, selecting my guitar patch and recording that way
Was just wondering if it would be better to mic the peavey?

A audix I5 would do that nicely?/
i've not used the digitech GNX3000, but i've played alot with the Line 6 xt pro guitar rack and found that recording from the usb out gave ok results but it was missing something that you get from a mic on an amp.

i'd say go one of two ways; either pick up an i5 or SM57 and experiment with micing the valveking. if you really can't get the results you want from it, or can't turn the amp up as much as you'd like for the more driven sounds, then try DI'ing the guitar clean though a dedicated DI box and use software reamping (such as amplitube or peavy revalver or any of the other hundreds out there) either way, you'd have much more control/versatility over the sound than you would with the digitech :)
i've not used the digitech GNX3000, but i've played alot with the Line 6 xt pro guitar rack and found that recording from the usb out gave ok results but it was missing something that you get from a mic on an amp.

i'd say go one of two ways; either pick up an i5 or SM57 and experiment with micing the valveking. if you really can't get the results you want from it, or can't turn the amp up as much as you'd like for the more driven sounds, then try DI'ing the guitar clean though a dedicated DI box and use software reamping (such as amplitube or peavy revalver or any of the other hundreds out there) either way, you'd have much more control/versatility over the sound than you would with the digitech :)

Hey man, Yeah your bang on the money, I can get a "decent" sound from the gnx, but it does feel like its missing something, exactly

I do have a audix I5 which I bought just the other day, to mic my snare drum,
So i might give that a try and have a play around with that.

Would playing the gnx into the effects send of the peavey and then micing the peavey give me a bit more natural and not so "digital"(i guess you could call it) sound??
Would playing the gnx into the effects send of the peavey and then micing the peavey give me a bit more natural and not so "digital"(i guess you could call it) sound??

is it one of the valveking combos or a separate head and cab? running the gnx through the effects loop would give you the benefit of using either the amp sounds or the pedal sounds and would give you the real warmth of the valve amp as you're guitar is going straight into the amp. ime plugging a guitar straight into a mulitfx pedal and then either going straight into the amp or just into the fx send kills off some of the natural tone of the guitar as the full guitar signal still goes through all the ADDA conversion on the pedal before it hits the amp.

what kind of effects are you using the pedal for? is it mainly distortions or delays/reverbs/modulation etc?

the i5 does a stellar job on amps, just play around with placements :)
Its a seperate head and cabinet,

Yeah the pedal is just mainly used for distortion and delays etc, and it is my audio interface at the moment too

Yep I'm going to spend tomorrow mucking aroung micing it using the I5
Im impressed with that mic so far on my snare