Questionsss help (video input)


New member
If I'm recording vocals and guitar seperately, what can I use to get video of both of them, in time, switching between the two?
The guitar and vocals will be recorded seperate and then put together with a audio editor, so if i record with a camera whilst recording the sound, how do i get the videos to switch between them and be in time with the sound?
also question two
is there any software thats for audio which has the option to have video over the top? I'm so lost and new to this and ahhh..
i want to put the videos on youtube too, or just save them theyre not for demos..
You need to hang on to the audio that's recorded with the video in the camera.

1 Record video of you playing guitar while you record into your 'audio editor'.
2 Record video of you singing while you record into your audio editor.
3 Mix guitar and vocals in the editor and create a mixed file.
4 Load your mixed file into a video editor (e.g. Sony Vegas)
5 Load your two videos into a video editor.
6 Use the audio of these three files to line them all up.
7 Cut the two video files up as you see fit.
8 Mute or delete the video camera audio
9 Render the video using edited vision on top of mixed file.
10 Load to Youtube
Yes to both the above.

You have to shoot the video for each shot separately and put it all together in the editing--you can either record the appropriate audio in the same takes and mix later or mime to a pre-recorded mix (which is pretty common on professional videos).

Yes, some form of slate at the beginning of a take makes life tons easier in the edit. A physical clapper board-type slate is only much use if you're actually recording the music in a separate track at the same time as you shoot the video. If you're working with pre recorded tracks, putting two of three sharp clicks just before the actual music and using these to sync to the rough sound from the on-camera mic works well.

Or, if you're rich and want to do it genuinely live, all you need is a very expensive TV mobile unit with multiple cameras, audio mixer, video mixer and a crew! They're fun...but expensive. The last mobile unit I built was about half a million dollars (and it wasn't anything like the most expensive).
I haven't used it, but Sony Vegas is supposed to be a good video editor to do this. I use Roxio Creator and Serif Movie Plus and both are tough to use to synch stuff, and don't allow 'multi-screening.
I use Adobe Premiere Pro and, frankly I'm not going to recommend it. It does everything you want but also a million other things making it a pig to learn unless you use it day in, day out. It's also fairly expensive on Adobe's subscription plan (though I guess you could dip in for a month or two for your edit than cancel.

I tried Vegas many years ago and it did seem pretty good...but I haven't seen anything lately. However, I've also heard good things about it.

A third option I've heard good things about is the basic Magix Movie Creator. I've never looked at it but the chap who told me about it said it was really easy to learn.