Questions for HD24 users

I do primarily remote recording using ADATs. I've been looking over the HD24 manual in the reading room while my rat hole money slowly grows. Now I only have to jot down a song name and a start time, push record, rinse and repeat. Quick and easy.
With the Hd24, will I have to set up "new song" every time, select number of tracks, sample rate, etc. Or can I do all of this in advance? If a band is going to record 10 songs, can I go ahead and set up these songs prior to arriving then just select each for recording?
Also, how many 24 track minutes could I expect from an 80g hard drive?
I don't believe you can set up a "default setting" as far as track count/bit depth/sample rate, but I've not found it a problem as that only takes less than a minute. And an 80 gig drive will hold hours and hours of 24/48 24 track tunes. A 10 gig drive came with mine and it holdsa a couple of hours.

You can't setup defaults so to speak, but you CAN go set up all of the songs in advance. My band has been working on an album for a record company for a while now... I recently purchase and HD24 and wanted to copy all the tracks over to it...

so I simply "created" a new song for each one of the songs on the album in advance, so that I would know which ones I had transferred over and which ones I hadn't.

It was easy and worked perfectly, but Track Rat is right... setting up a new song takes all of a minute or so at most.

Velvet Elvis