questions about the mxl v93


New member
Sorry to ask these questions if they seem a bit basic, but I'm very confused. I am interested in the MXL V93 because from what people have said, it performs as well as the V67, but is much more neutral and the bass rolloff clears up much of the boominess of the 67 as far as vocals are concerned.

But after sifting through the posts, I am sitting here scratching my head.

Is the V93 a Mars specific mic? I can't seem to find anyone else but Mars selling this. If not, is the V93 different from the V93M? Marshall doesn't even have any information on it.

I also saw a post that implied that the V93 was similar to the 2003, if not the same. Am I reading that wrong?

If anybody could clear some of this up for me, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
From what I remember in another thread, someone was actually in contact with Marshall (MXL), and confimed that the V93 and 2003 are the same mic.
They are the same mic. I can't figure out their whole naming strategy because it is ridiculously confusing. I remember the 93/2003 are the same because they both end in 3. How lame is that.

It is a great mic. I picked one up a few weeks ago. Sweet on vocals, guitar and amps.
Could you recommend them for strictly vocal use only? From what I've been reading, I am under the assumption that the v67 is the way to go with that. However, I will be layering 20 some tracks of vocals together and I am worried about the character that will build up.

So can the 93/2003 be something that could be a good, versatile vocal mic?
I remember someone else was asking the exact same question not too long ago. Was that you? When I layer a lot of harmonies, I like to use a dynamic. That's just personal preference, though. When I use a condenser for that chore, it always winds up sounding too polished for me . . . like an over-produced boy band. I guess some people like it though - apparently Mutt Lange used to use that sound with Def Leppard.

Like someone else mentioned when we talked about the exact same thing a few months back . . . you'd probably get a lot of mud built up from all the added proximity effect you get with the v67 multiplied by 20.

Keep in mind this is all just speculation. No one really knows. The 93/2003 does have a good bass rolloff, and I like it for that reason as well as the fact that it just sounds good and accurate. Is it the best vocal mic for the money? Maybe/maybe not. I definitely think it's the best ALL-AROUND mic in the sub $200 range.

In fact, since the C1 now comes standard with the bass rolloff, my suspicion is you might be better served by going that route. In fact, if I were you, the C1 would be my choice, if vocals are your primary chore, and you need a good bass rolloff for like 20 different layers.