

New member
Hi i am about to record some new songs and everything so far is turning out great(all the equipment is working properly and sounds pretty good). what i want to be able to do is spend most of my time mixing the track so it sounds good.

I do not have studio monitors and I would like to know what is the second best thing to use........ I know it is worth it to get the monitors but i dont have the money right now and am looking into buying them at a later date.

I just wanna have some fun right now and record a song without please just tell me what are some other methods i could use (eg. pa speakers, guitar amp, bass amp, or just regular computer speakers?????) please help......thanks
Try everything you can get your hands on ..... then play it back through everything you can get your hands on to see how well it translates to other systems.
With any monitoring, you want to listen to as much reference material as you can to learn the sound of the speakers.
Play CD's of your favorite genre that sounds similar to what you are trying to achieve. Then mix your tracks to somewhat mimic the same sound.
The key to any monitoring system is to learn it's sound and how your mixing translates over to other systems (ie home stereo, car stereo, boom box, cheap mono cassette player ....etc).