question regarding overall volume


New member
hello, i just have a quick question i hope someone can help me with. my current recording set up is modest with a yamaha mg12/4 mixer through a m audio 410 interface. i am extremely happy with the sound i have been able to get thus far although however i am just looking for a little added "kick" or overall volume boost in my final product. would a sonic maximizer or a aural exciter help me problem if i run my final mix through them? edit: i realize that this will probably then change my mix by increasing the high and low frequencies, however i initially it was the only equipment i could think of . thanks for the help

ps- this is a home project studio so i am not particularly looking to get everything mastered.
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jeffri07 said:
would a sonic maximizer or a aural exciter help me problem if i run my final mix through them?
Hopefully not.

If the mix sounds the way you want it to (hopefully, it does) and you're just out for sheer volume, then you're looking for the most transparent dynamics control you can use. Of course, no one can tell you what to use, as that will change from mix to mix to mix.
Try using the best-sounding compressor in your arsenal, set the threshold to somewhere between -25 and -40dB below peak (the exact value depends upon your mix.) Then apply some light compression, only 1.1:1 to 1.5:1 to that whole threshold range. Then boost the Output Gain on the compressor to bring the levels back to where they were, or just slightly above.

This often will "tighten up" the energy of your mix in a very "pro-sounding" way.
