question regarding art dps II and optical out


New member
I'm just about ready to make a purchase but I need some advice first. I have a korg d16 with preamps that are average. I also have a joe meek vc6 which is above average. Unfortunately, the d16 does not have an insert point and so to use the meek I have to run it directly into the preamp on the d16 with the gain on the d16 set to zero. People here tell me this compromises the sound. The d16 does, however, have an optical in and the dps II has an optical out. I believe that you can bypass the preamp on the dps and use it solely as an a/d converter. I also like the idea of having another mic pre that might be a bit dirrferent that what I have. My point is that I'd like to bypass the korg's preamps and be able to use any preamp I want with the optical out. Is this a feasible idea. Will my sound quality improve? Help!