Question - how to open cubase files in Reaper (if possible)


New member
Title says all.

I want to open a cubase cpr file from version sfx 5.1.0

Can Reaper do this? if so, how?
not sure about cubase but you may be able to do it like Reaper options/preferences/external editors..set cubase as your external editor and record somthing in Reaper double click on it and press ctrl alt E that should open cubase with whatever you just recorded in cubases edit go to your cubase files find what you want to import and press save to and that should bring up a box that says reaper media files just click Ok and it will pop you right back to Reaper with the file in Audition...good luck
what I really needed was to open a cubase file in Reaper.
I guess I have to do this by another mean.
You will just have to do a 'Batch Export' of wav files from Cubase, and place the files on separate tracks in Reaper. There surely/sadly is not a way to get automation or plugins/settings to transfer between any DAW without spending $600 or so on software that claims to accomplish this. Even then, I would be wary of the efficiency/accuracy of those programs myself. There is just too much difference in software and the way things are handled.
So you have a Cubase file that you need wav's from? You could send it to me and I could try to export the wavs for you. You would at least need to thank me or something. lol! It is thanksgiving right?
I appreciate the offer. My friend sent the audios on the side with the rest of the stuff. I think he exported each instrument individually and since I couldn't open it I could at least grab the parts and set it all in Reaper or Cubase. He later warned me the speed wasn't 120 bpm (as standard) but 130.

Since these files he sent me were built from VST's, there's a Midi somewhere associated in the cubase files. I wanted to see that midi and each note individually. I'll be looking for my older version of cubase (same as my friend's I think) and it should work.

I appreciate all the help.
Take care.