Question for those who know.


New member
I'm very interested in building a small studio from the floor up, nothing fancy, however I do know about equipment to some degree, and have a general idea of what I want.

My question, is which would be a better addition to my set-up fr recording simply rap/hip hop ?

RME FireFace 800
Lynx Two-B + Safe Sound P1

As far as quality, I understand the Lynx has the edge, but which of these combo's would give a sound more usable for what I'm recording?

Thanks a million.
NoSalaryCap, is there any reason you're comparing a Lynx 2-in, 6-out converter and a single-channel channel strip to the Firewire 800 with 4 preamps, HiZ, converters, etc? That's pretty far apart on capablities.

What are you needing? A couple good channels?
Indeed, what are you needing? My school has a fireface and I think it has waaaaaaaay to many functions for my needs.
Hip hop?
Just get a 2 channel, like an m-box or something of the like.
Its rare that you track more than one track at a time in hip hop.
So just get a decent little interface and a decent pre and mic and you're set.
To answer the general question, I need 2 in's that I know of.
I'm comparing the 2 units, because of the pre's, and functions.

I hear the P1 has the mon system, and the RME has headphone jack with it's own volume control, etc etc etc.

And seeing as how the Safe Sound P1, and RME both have functions needed, I am also trying to compre the 2 pre-amps as well as far as the sound, and which would suit rap better, as far as the general sound, and what would be considered more for rap, as I understand some pre's just sound good in that ie- Avalon 737
I don't want to go with any less quality than the RME but upwards is fine.