Question about Yorkville YSM1's to sound card


New member
Hi, just a simple question (I hope) - I've ordered a pair of Yorkville YSM1 monitors, which haven't arrived yet - I'm looking at the ports of my Creative Audigy 2 soundcard, and I can't figure out where the monitors are supposed to be plugged into. I haven't ordered a power amp yet - will the speakers connect to that? And what kind of wires do I need? The reason I'm asking before it's arrived is becuase I'd like to order the cables I need now, so that they arrive the same time as the speakers (btw, I couldn't find th eanswer to this question by searching the forums).

Thanks in advance!
Speakers - power amp - power amp - sound card.
I THINK that you will be using all xlr and 1/4' connections. So you'll need a bout 3 adapters to plug it into your sound blaster.
You'll have one cable for left, and one cable for right, both 1/4 that want to go into your sound card. You need to get a Y splitter for the stereo output of your soundcard, going from 1/8 from the sound card, to two 1/8inch channels, one for left one for right. Now i don't know if you could make your live easier at this step and get a Y splitter that goes from stereo 1/8' - 2 mono 1/4, but if you could it would make things easier. If not you have to get 2 1/4'-1/8' adapters. So you plug the left channel cable coming from the power amp into a 1/4'1/8 adapter so you have an 1/8' end on it now, and then you plug it into the left channel of the y splitter coming out of your sound card, do the same for the right channel.

Huge pain in the ass, reason why i'm buying a real sound card BEFORE i get monitoring speakers.
Huge pain in the ass, reason why i'm buying a real sound card BEFORE i get monitoring speakers.

Yeah, I know - I've realised that during the last few days spent at this forum. If I'd have known, I'd have bought an audiophile for the same price, but I guess I'm stuck with the soundblaster now (as you can tell, I'm very much a newbie to home recording).

I don't quite follow you about the "chain" though - by saying:

"Speakers - power amp - power amp - sound card"

do you mean that I will need to buy two power amps to run the speakers? I didn't realise this, I thought I only needed one.

Can you reccommend any power amps? I'm on a seriously tight budget now, so I really just need the bare minimum specs in order to run the speakers effectively.

no no,
the speakers plug into the power amp, and then the power amp goes into the sound card.
I meant signal chain, as in the path that the signal follows. well it would technically be soundcard to the amp, then amp to the speakers, but whatever.
And depending on the amp that you get, it might have RCA outputs, or it might have 1/4, i'm not sure. But you basically just need to figure out what connections everything uses, and then find the cables with the right endings/adapters to get it working.

I think the connectors going into the speakers would be 1/4, i know the sound card is 1/8', and the amp is possibly RCA.
Try to get a power amp or hi fi amp with digial audio inputs,, then go to Radio Shack and get a 3.5mm mono to female rca adapter as well as a Spidif or 75ohm female to female rca cable.

Run from the digital out port of the audigy2 to your amp digital input source.

The audigy2 is not good for driving speakers nor headphones for that matter as a power source,, Its pretty good as a line source to an external mixer or amp though. The S/N is pretty good on the Audigy2,, the card is a lot better than people think it is,, especially if your using samples and softsynths.

Good Luck
malcolm123 said:
Try to get a power amp or hi fi amp with digial audio inputs,, then go to Radio Shack and get a 3.5mm mono to female rca adapter as well as a Spidif or 75ohm female to female rca cable.

Run from the digital out port of the audigy2 to your amp digital input source.

The audigy2 is not good for driving speakers nor headphones for that matter as a power source,, Its pretty good as a line source to an external mixer or amp though. The S/N is pretty good on the Audigy2,, the card is a lot better than people think it is,, especially if your using samples and softsynths.

Good Luck

Correction female to female rca cable.

Its male to male 75ohm coaxial or spdif cable
Thanks for the replys - very usefull. As for what kind of amp - my finger is literally hovering over the button to order a Hafler TA1600. I've heard these are good, but I just wanted to double check here to make sure it would be compatible with the Yorvilles. Is this the right power amp to get (keeping my budget in mind)?
vomortis said:
Thanks for the replys - very usefull. As for what kind of amp - my finger is literally hovering over the button to order a Hafler TA1600. I've heard these are good, but I just wanted to double check here to make sure it would be compatible with the Yorvilles. Is this the right power amp to get (keeping my budget in mind)?

Believe it or not,, I used to use a Audiosource 2 button amp that I bought from best buy. It wasnt pro audio,, but it was pretty clean and worked just fine for what I did back then. I had the Yorks hook to it using some monster cable.