Question about wool and 703 density.


Still a newbie
I have a couple of doubts and I hope you can maybe help me a little bit here. I'm from Puerto Rico and I thought that it would be very difficult to find this material here, but I did. Here's what I have found so far.

one place:
mineral wool - 3" $5.20 a panel. (the guy didn't know what density it was)

at other place:
mineral wool - 2" $11.20 a panel - 3 pounds
703 - 2" $12.80 a panel - 3 pounds

another place:
mineral wool - 3" $16.80 - 6 pounds
703 - 2" $22.00 - 3 pounds

Do you find these are good prices? What would work better for bass traps? Would the 6 pound wool be significantly better than the 3 pound? Do a panel of 3" wool be sufficient for a bass trap or do i have to stack two 3 inch panels? Its my first time working with these so I don't know much on the subject. Thanks, guys.
Do you find these are good prices?
Yeah, try outside of Puerto Rico and pay for shipping. That stuff gets heavy.

What would work better for bass traps?

Would the 6 pound wool be significantly better than the 3 pound?

Do a panel of 3" wool be sufficient for a bass trap or do i have to stack two 3 inch panels?
It may absorb different frequencies... I suggest 6 inches, since that's what I use.

Its my first time working with these so I don't know much on the subject. Thanks, guys.

No problem! Just hope I was helpful!
The 3lb will be fine - and at that price, you can double it up to be 6" thick for bass control and still be cheaper than the 6lb - and it'll perform better.
