Question about TSR-8 balanced connection...


I've got my TSR-8 snaked out to a balanced patchbay. RCA to 1/4" snake. It's been like that for a while and I haven't noticed any issues, sounds great I just watch levels but haven't had any problems. I guess my question is: Is this ok, though? I know there's the potential for induced noise but haven't really noticed any. I'm more concerned about plugging/unplugging since my interface output is balanced. Ie: I'd record/mix 4 stereo stems in Sonar and send
out (balanced) to the TSR-8 (unbalanced) and resum back into Sonar (balanced again). Could unplugging a balanced jack short on the ring or shield? I don't ever make connections with the TSR-8 on, always off so this is a bit of protection. Just curious. I record to the tape occaisionally but sometimes I like the mix in the box, sometimes off the tape.
Could unplugging a balanced jack short on the ring or shield?
Not if its plugged or unplugged in a normal quick manner. You'd have to partially unplug it and leave it in that state for the possibility of a short to occur and even then, I don't know if the tip connection surface on a TS or TRS connection is long enough to touch both the hot and the common or hot and ground connection at the same time.

Or look at it this way; If you haven't blown anything up yet, its unlikely following the same regime down the road will.

Cheers! :)