question about songfile formats and youtube audio quality

Hi everyone. I'm into home recording, enjoyed reading some of the posts here.

My question is, if I have songs in wav, what's the best quality way to put them online for streaming. I'd do them 320 kbps mp3 but there are only 2 sites I know of that allow that and one costs money and the other I don't like. Is there a special player you can link your songs to that will play the 320s?

I was told the best quality is to put your wavs on video then on youtube, I have Windows Movie Maker. If I use a wav for my video I was told it ends up 192 kbps AAC file. Is that the best quality audio?

I just want to figure out the best quality audio I can stream my songs and where ?

thanks in advance.
The best quality is determined by the streaming service.
I think places like bandcamp have high enough quality whereas amazon streaming (in the store) is awful!

If you're not sure what's what, the best thing to do is to take a final wav of one of your songs and bounce it at the various settings and qualities.
Listen to them back to back and decide if, and when, you can hear a difference.

There are users here who swear anything below 320 is just audibly destroying your audio, and others who disagree.
thanks. Bandcamp streams at 192. I'd like to find the best possible solution. Youtube sounds better to me than bandcamp but I'm hoping somebody knows some specifics about all this.
Isn't the general "rule" to upload the WAV and let the site do the converting?

well that's how it works in some cases. For instance if you upload the wav at bandcamp you end up streaming at 128, I was wrong that it is 192.

However I'd like to stream with as high a quality as is available. Other than 2 sites which stream at 320 which are not what I'm looking for for other reasons, does anybody know how good a quality you can get on youtube ? or somewhere else ?
well that's how it works in some cases. For instance if you upload the wav at bandcamp you end up streaming at 128, I was wrong that it is 192.

However I'd like to stream with as high a quality as is available. Other than 2 sites which stream at 320 which are not what I'm looking for for other reasons, does anybody know how good a quality you can get on youtube ? or somewhere else ?

That's sort of my point... you can't do anything about the bitrate of the site so don't you just upload the best you can (WAV) and let it's converters do what they do... or are you thinking that if it's a 320kb site then by converting it yourself to 320kb and uploading that you're going to get a better result? I don't know, I'm just asking.

Videos are obviously a different kettle of fish as you have to convert the audio in the video rendering process itself, and then have YouTube further work on your video and hopefully not mangle the audio... I don't really know the answer to that one, particularly in terms of which movie format allows for the best audio, or if they make a difference...
Most people don't WANT to stream 320 files as there's too much bandwidth involved and they can't hear the diffrerence when they stream it anway - to their computer speakers or earbuds.