Question about Reason


New member
I just bought an M-Audio OmniStudio USB to use to record my keyboard and guitar and stuff. It came with a free version of Reason, but I haven't been able to record anything other than the MIDI from the keyboard. Does Reason only support MIDI sampleing? Thanks for any help.

You haven't been able to record anything else because Reason is not an audio recorder. It is a more of a digital music synthesis and sequencing program.
bradly said:
Does Reason only support MIDI sampleing?
There are many free tools available for recording, if you don't have anything for that purpose you might like to try Audacity ... it is easy to handle and has some nice effects. I used it for a couple of weeks but then decided to get sth. better.

Reason ... better uninstall it from your harddisk before you find out how powerful it is ;-) I got it with my Audiophile soundcard and played around with it just by couriosity ... ending up with buying a keyboard for that tool. Although midi/sampling etc. was never on my schedule I now became completely fascinated ...