question about purchasing a usb mixer


New member
Hello all,?
I'm looking to start a podcast in march which well have 4 mics running and a mp3 player and digi recorder (for now). My price range is hovering around $200. I've beel eye balling the Alesis multimix 8usb 2.0, Behringer xenyx x 1222 usb, or the tad more expensive Behringer xenyx x1832 usb. I know the Alesis is faster and I believe can record 8 tracks at a time where the other 2 might not be able to? Will that make a big difference for what I'm doing? Any help you can give is appreciated.

First off, can the "digi recorder" you mention accept a USB feed and can it handle the track count you want?

In any case, mjbphotos is right. The Alesis will give you direct outputs for multiple channels; the Behringers only feed the main stereo mix via USB.

At this point, you need to decide how you wish to work on your podcast because there are two main ways to do it.

One is to record each audio source (mic, music playback, etc.) separately and put them all together later as part of an editing process. This gives you the most control but requires you to put a fair bit of time into post production after the recording.

The other way is to "record as live" and do your best to get everything right while recording. You still have the option to do some editing later but your options will be more limited since you'll be editing a single stereo track--if two voices overlap, you can't separate them.

The decision is not all that clear cut. A good many podcasts and even broadcast radio shows are recorded "as live" if only for the speed of turning them around to air (or net!). Others are multitracked and receive a lot more post production.

If you want to go the multitrack route, your only option is the Alesis. If you want to go the "as live" route, then one of the Behringers might actually be better--I'd rather live mix a show on proper faders than the small knobs on the Alesis.

One final thing that might be a factor: if you ever want to actually transmit live, the mixer with faders would definitely be more convenient.

I hope this lays out the things to consider. Good luck!
Well I went to go check out the alesis today and when I went it wasn't the 2.0 version like he had listed, so Ileft pretty disappointed... but he msgd me later and said he'd sell it for 100 (alesis multimix 8 usb). I'm wondering if I should snag that? or get one of the Behringers? I saw a Behringer Xenyx 1204 USB for $100 as well? Or should I hold off for a good price for a 2.0?
Id assume id be doing more of a live recording and getting it right on the net, wed also be live on 2.0 and if so should I go with the Alesis? Or Behringer? Or somthing different?

Thanks again everyone, also the digi recorder would be tascam dr-05
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OK, if you are just mixing the mics and recording live, not worried about adjusting anything post-tracking, go with what you can afford. I would suggest the Alesis, only because my experience with a Behringer Xenyx was less-than-satisfactory (I returned it the next day because I found the preamps on the one I got sucked.)
If you're planning to mix live rather than multiple separate tracks, don't worry about the USB 2 but DO get something with faders for easy and quick level adjustment while mixing.

Some people love Behringer stuff, some hate it. I've seen almost as many complaints about Alesis mixers failing as Behringers--and Behringer have a good replacement policy for things going wrong under warranty.

If it was me, I'd buy a second hand Soundcraft or Allen and Heath rather than either on your short list but that's me.
Thanks for the input everyone! Speaking of inputs... or outputs for that matter, I was looking at the Behringer x1222 it seemed like a good price has plenty of features but I read it doesn't have a 1/4 main out? I'm a noob so forgive the ridiculousness? What exactly will that hinder me from doing? Will that effect recording to recorder? Also will this effect it if I want to hook this up to my soundcard? (M-audio, audiophile 2496 w/usb)?

Also it seems the soundcraft/allen and heath and they seem to be ohut of my price range