Question about importing an audio loop


New member
Could anyone tell me how to adjust the project window's beats and bars to co-ordinate with the length (and hence timing) of an imported sound loop?
If you are using SX use the beat calculator to er.. calculate the BPM and then set your song to this. Now just set snap to one bar and move the loop to where you want it to play.

Hope this helps

Thanks for that Millsy. I'm sure there's a more basic way to import a loop where cubase simply measures the length of the loop and adjusts it's grid so bars are aligned to it and the original timing of the loop is preserved. I will press on.... Thanks again.
Thankyou Kieth I followed your suggestion... In the Beat Calculator if I press the "At Tempo Track Start" button the project bars are magically aligned to the loop with no manual calculation. I'm importing acid loops at this stage but will be trying fruity loop generated loops when I work out that program a bit better. Thanks very much again.

Once you have done this for one loop you will of course have to time stretch the others (or use the hitpoint function for drum loops). Be careful with the beat calculator i think the function you are using could be used for all manner of loops in the same project and this would result in a tune which changed in speed all over the place. Maybe thats what you want ;)


Thanks again Keith. Yes once the beat calculator has indicated the BPM I can type that into the time stretch window for any other loops I want to import into the project. Haven't tried different BPM for different tracks but it's a possibility !!! Seriously will I'll give anything a try!

