Question about genres


Hi there,

I'm a lurker here. I've found lots of great stuff reading here, but now I have a question and I'm hoping that this community can help me. I write and produce music and am hoping to release a few songs in the next month or so via various distribution channels. The problem I'm having with filling out the forms is that I get to the questions about genre and sub-genre and I'm just stumped. There are elements of different styles in each song, and I don't want to give them tags that aren't going to place them into the right streams, assuming I'm lucky enough that it gets streamed.

Here is the latest track.

There are two others on that SoundCloud account that I'm also hoping to release. Any advice on how to tag them?
I gave a listen to the songs on your channel... you're right in that they aren't easy to pigeon hole to a genre. The first thing I thought of was Steely Dan, which is kind of a Jazz Rock sound, but with lots of other elements in there. Some of your songs remind me of Indie Pop.

I guess you just need to look ever the choices and work from there.
Thanks. At least it's good to know I'm not crazy in not being able to categorize them very well. I'm tempted to go with Indie or Indie Pop or something like that, but I always think of Indie as being guitar based, and obviously, this stuff is not guitar based. But that might be the best I can do. Run 14 might actually belong in a jazz category of some sort.
The important thing is to be creative. It’s not what it really is, because the words evolve too quick, and might even be region specific. Like crow’s comment. I did NOT know Indie was not guitars? So you need to pick the categories who might like it as well as 100% like it. I don’t think we even know how platforms like Spotify categorise us. If I click on a suggested track that is in a category I never even heard of, do they then tag me as an eastern indie offshoot fan?

my most popular music is textured mood music, the go to sleep stuff and some is vaguely classical. I note songtradr had a modern classical category so I’ve been using that as one genre but I have no idea if it really is. Is it cinematic? Possibly. Is it vintage? Is that just old? For me it’s now best guess. One category is inspirin. I don’t even know what that is?
Indie is quite a broad category. In its literal sense, it just means independent, or non-record label music. Indie Rock is probably the most popular because indie started in the 70s when rock was THE dominant form of music. But anything that can’t be defined can be indie if you’re an independent artist. But you’d need to have a second noun following indie, usually.
Thank you, everyone. I feel like I can move forward. As usual, this group is very helpful but this time I actually got to come out of lurkdom to say hello, too!