Question about Firewire USB hub


New member
I'm really new to home recording and I'm just trying to get into it. I don't have an interface or software yet, I'm really trying to do my research before I make any purchases. One of the things I've noticed is that if you want to do any heavy recording (I won't jump into heavy recording, but I'd like to have the option to do it one day) you should use FireWire. Firstly I'd really like to ask why that is. Secondly I've been looking into FireWire-USB hubs. Is any functionality lost there? I don't have a FireWire port on my computer. If quality is lost via a hub, what is my best route? Any replies are appreciated.
How are you connecting the hub to the computer then, if you dont have firewire?

The answer to your question about the differences is in the tread "for vocal recording mbox usb or mbox firewire" about 3 or 4 rows down from this post.

In short usb uses your cpu...firewire uses one of your buses on the guessing...

Hope that helps,

You can easily buy a PCI-FireWire card for about 20 bucks. They install just like a modem or sound card into the back of you computer. Cheap and easy.
Thanks alot! I assume I'm going to need a desktop to install the PCI card to, as it looks like that thing won't install to a laptop. So, let me ask (at the risk of sounding like a complete moron), with a firewire PCI card, I'm just essentially installing a FireWire port, correct?
You are correct.

But you can do the same to a laptop.

If you have a Cardbus slot or Expresscard slot on your laptop, you can get a firewire card for that too (Belking and SIIG make good one that are not expensive and have Texas Instruments chips.... ALWAYS get a TI chip'ed card!)