Question about cpu cooling and heatsinks


New member
Hi guys, hopefully someone can help me - i know its not really a computer hardware forum. My pc has an i5 in it which is running overclocked and has been stable for about 4 months. When i first overclocked it i bought a new heatsink and installed it using arctic5 thermal grease. For the first week it was running at 3.6ghz and the temps were around 25-30 under load and 20ish idle. The temps have just gotten slowly higher since that first week and under load its getting closer to 50 degrees and idling around 35-40 with all the same overclocking settings. Should i reapply the thermal grease? Did i not put enough on the first time?
I wouldn't worry about those temps. My overclocked machine idles at 40 degrees and when loaded hovers at about 52 degrees. Even that's not that hot. It is concerning though if it keeps creeping higher. Watch it to see if it stabalizes at those temps and if it hits say 60 degrees, time to check fan speed, regrease it as you mentioned, possibly spyware running in the background etc.
how do you guys know the temps?
Do you have to buy an actual sensor for that or is it something you can check in a Windows app?
cool ........ thanks. I'd been wondering about that.
I have an ASUS board with an i7 on it so that should work for me.
Well in that case, you should go the ASUS site here (
and plug in the model of your board etc. You will get all the utilities specific to your board as well as BIOS updates if available.

One utility they have (not everone would like this) is an instant browser dealy kind of thing. If I don't want to boot up my computer, I can turn it on, and instantly surf, check e-mail etc. It never goes throught the OS. Can't remember the name of it though. It's great for checking e-mail, directions, phone numbers etc.
I would double check the thermal grease. use very little! only about enough the size of a bee bee.

...Hence why i love my liquid cooled pc :D
lol wtf is a bee bee??? i did exactly as the manual said and put a strip of grease down the cpu. im just gonna let it sit and if it goes above 50 ill reseat the heatsink. thanks for your replies
Slowly rising temps sounds like your heatsink/Fan is starting to get blocked up with Dust , check the fan and the heatsink and make sure there isn"t any Dust covering the fins of the fan or heatsink ..... Dust is the #1 cause of gradual CPU overheating .......

That said I have an OLD Pentum 4 2.6ghz northwood core CPU overclocked to 3.2ghz with a Huge Zalman CU7000 heatsink with a 120mm fan and I have to clean it out every couple of months or it overheats and shuts down .....
