Question about Apogee interfaces...


New member
My last interface was an Apogee Duet but it's quite old. In researching new interfaces and using the search term "best interfaces for Mac 2022", I looked at many articles from recording/production magazines/websites and not one mentioned any Apogee products.

Has Apogee's reputation fallen? Are its products lagging behind that many other options on the market now? I found my last Apogee Duet to be superior to the Focusrite and PreSonus interfaces I had before it but in many of the articles I found those two get mentioned and Apogee does not.

What gives?
Apogee gear is still well respected but not mass market like the Focusrite and Presonus interfaces. Unless your Duet is the original Firewire version, there would be little reason to replace it.