Question about a mixer


New member
Hey guys, I'm new to this forum, been trying to find out and have been a lot of stuff, but theres so much info here its insane lol

Anyways, i see a lot of you arent fond of Behringer. I was wondering if any of you have any experience with the Behringer Eurodesk SL3242FX-PRO Mixer? And if its horrible, what's another good mixer in the same general price range? What that mixer offers seems appealing, but its been mixed reviews of the company from what ive read. I'm sort of new to recording, just been using digital recorders until now, thanks for the help!
The reason many people (including myself) don't like the Berhinger nameplate is the same reason that Behringer tends to be less expensive than competing brands; their business model.

While there are some rare exceptions with *some* of their processing gear, it's generally true of their mixers and most other gear that they watch the marketplace for popular or otherwise hot items from other companies, then they go out and copy their design (sometimes going so far as to reverse-engineer exact designs down to the circuit level) and build almost identical looking/functioning desks out of cheaper (read: noiser and shorter-lived) components and the cheapest labor they can find on the planet (read: Chinese sweat shops.)

This combination of theft of other's designs and ideas (lesser R&D costs), combined with the use of lesser-quality components (cheaper parts) and cheap manufacturing costs (cheaper labor) is what allows them to sell products for less than many of their competitors while disguising them as true competitors.

While many other companies have switched to global sweat shop labor to keep costs down, it's the blatent copying and theft of other's ideas combined with the use of lesser-quality components that leaves a bad taste in many people's mouths.

There are many who will probably reply that Berhinger is a good choice for those with a limited budget and that they don't sound so bad to them. To them I have two replies: if you have a limited budget, try the Yamaha MG series of mixers instead, and, what good is saving money if in a year - once you ears get some experience - you'll be wanting to trade up to something better sounding?

Berhinger is always attractive for the very reason you describe; they offer a lot of features for the price. Well, the features are worthless if the sound quality is not there, and the price ain't so attractive when you find out why the price is what it is.

Look at the Yamaha MG series for a great price/sound/features ratio. Check out also Soundcraft (I personally don't like their Spirit line at all, but a lot of other people seem to like them) and Mackie (a few more dollars, but these are the ones that Berhinger are usually trying to copy, and the Mackies are built like tanks and sound much better than the Berhingers.)

Thanks for the descriptive reply, yea it is decieving for someone like me that's just getting into all of this. Ill check out the other companies though sounds like a bad idea, again thanks!
you should be glad you came and asked here before spending a lot of money
but at the same time.. this board suuure can make you feel insecure about your gear..
I have the kid brother of the sl3242fx, the smaller sl2442fx, and it has behaved impeccably. i know that other folks on this board criticise both the quality of behringer and the company's business model. i can't complain about the quality because (a) i haven't experienced any problems that are not intrinsic to a budget product, and (b) i expect that, for a budget product, it surpasses many others.

As for the business model, I have come across a lot of hearsay, but I find it difficult to find definitive statements about poor practices. I am willing to be guided by better minds, but I need to be convinced that behringer is as evil as it is made out to be, and that it is unique in this.

I directly know of others with other products, some of them highly acclaimed, whose experiences have been very disappointing. I'm curious that they don't engender the same level of hostility
My group has a ton of Behringer stuff.
Sound ... Not pro but acceptable. Not too many years ago. It would have been considered excellent.
Quality....Not great. My rack, line level mixer for synths, blew the internal power supply (good prompt service). And my UB2442 is currently at the shop with two burnt pre-amps. The good news is that all these failures took place well within the guaranty period. Looks like If it survives the first year. Chances are that it'll keep on ticking.
Business Model...I don't give a crap. You start imitating and in time you start innovating (look at the Japs).
You get what you pay for.
