quality mics/micpre vs. quality mics/midquality pre


New member
Hi, my father has a live sound company and i usually end up using his mics as i dont feel theres a need getting any for myself as I can borrow his at almost any time. He´s got loads of sm57s, more than 20-30 i think :) and Sennheiser md441 and md421 s. EV RE-20, Shure B52´s. And lots of Akg c391, Akg c3000, sennheiser s-604, some milab mics and a truckload of sm58´s and some other mics I cant remember the name of. For preamps, its a different deal. The only "great" preamps he´s got is in the Yamaha pm1000 or whatever its called, the one desk that yamaha techs seem to have got pristine clean preamps on. And on other even bigger mixingdesks that I in no way could get into my small basement studio, especially considering I´d have to transport it back to him as soon as i was finished. These desks weigh like 500kilos, plus the rack with powersupplys... so i have to use the usual mackie vlz pro mic pres in conjunction with a Mindprint di-port. So I was wondering on how big of an improvement i would get in my recordings if I got somethink like the peavey vmp-2, everyone seems to swear by those. Mind im in a pretty crappy room, but i get pretty decent results. Some of you heard the songs I have recorded. If youre interested just do a search or scroll a few pages back in the mp3 mixing clinic.
So what I want to know, should I buy a better pre, or should i save my pennies, or perhaps buy acoustic treatment or what?
thanks alot
Jonas H
What's the highest number of channels do you record in one take? What kind of multitracker do you use?

Anyways. The Mackie pres aren't bad, and in Sweden preamps are pretty expensive compared to American prices. (but you have pretty f-ing near to Germany, and maybe papa can get you some sweet deals... what do I know?).

Maybe a tube-pre... Henrik swears by his TL Audio 5001 (4 channel tube pre). Joe Meek stuff is cheaper now..
The Mackie and the Mindprint will probably take you a long way..
They have to be alot better than the mackie pres to be worth it, otherwise ill just stick with the mindprint and mackie. And yes, my Papa can get me some Sweet Deals, I get 30% off on any gear and instrument I buy...And 50 percent off on Yamaha stuff...
I record 6channels at the most, but I´d rather get good stuff that I can sell later on without losing to much money than mediocre stuff that I have to sell cheap.
Jonas H
nah, that pre is also on the "el cheapo" side of the street. Not to say that it sucks, but I dont think it´s better than the ones I already got. Its not a true tube pre either, SS pre with a tube in it...you know the drill. Perhaps one of those sytek pre´s that are supposed to be great for the money. Or if I could find a vmp-2, theres not many made today i think.