Q: which ver. of Cubase to use with G3 iBook?


New member

I added a iBook G3 900 to my setup. It's my first mac. I normally record/edit on my wintel rig using Sonar 3 and Vegas 4. I am looking to record 4 tracks simul.

I need basic tracking software for my mac. Most of the new apps. are built for the G4 (Cubase SX & SX2, Logic 6).

Which "previous generation" tacking software would work best for my iBook?

btw, my audio i/o is a M-Audio Quattro usb. 4 ins/outs.

any ideas?

thanks all
The iBook probably won't cut it, minimum requirments are 867MHz G4, dual 1.2GHz G4, or any G5 recommended.

SX2 choked my new Powerbook, with your machine try DP4 or Logic6.