Purchasing advise


New member
I could use some advice. My brother just found out that he is getting $2,500 to purchase a computer, software, mics, etc. for the purpose of making and recording music (a gerenous gift of a friend). Currently he has no recording equipment. He owns a Roland XV-88 and a Sequencer which he composes music with. He will be recording Keyboard, vocals, and guitars. I know this is a big question but where would you advise spending the money:

1) Computer specs and Soundcard recommendation
2) Recording Software
3) Microphone recommendations (perhaps a LDC, pair of SDC's, and some dynamics)
4) Microphone pre-amp
5) Reference monitors
6) Anything else?

I know $2,500 could go quickly. Thanks for the advice.
Make mics and preamps your highest priority. Quality audio gear will last you a lifetime. That can't be said about computers.

When you want more specific recommendations you'll have to ask yourself is how many tracks you want to record simultaneously.
He probably will only need to be recording two tracks at a time-- at least initially. At some point he may want more.

Just thinking in terms of budgetting, do you have any recommendations as to how much (what percentage) we should dedicate to each area.
