Punch recording


New member
I am wondering if i can use the punch recording footswitch to record, tascam dp 02 cf.
i am generally busy with two hands playing and to hit play and record then sucks so i use a loop pedal or a delay hold then hit record, but my loop pedal is making noises and i dont want to get another one and i only have 5.2 seconds of delay, so i would like to record with the footswitch if i can. anyone know if it would work like that? so i can play it instead of looping it when recording things.
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I guess that depends on if you are talking about starting a whole new recording or doing punch ins/outs. If you are just doing a fresh recording, you can always cut out the excess before you started playing. If you are doing punch in/out, you can set points for it to loop between. Once you are comfortable with playing that portion, provided you have armed the right tracks, stomp and hold the pedal, play through the loop, and let up on the pedal when you are done.

Is that what you are referring to or did I miss the point entirely?:confused:
I've been using the DP-02 and using the "auto punch" feature with out a pedal and it has been working out well...set the in and out points, hit "auto punch" and hit play and rec...you should have some "pre-roll" time before the in marker to get you playing and then when it hits the in marker it will go into record mode and then stop at the out marker...hope this helps....
Best regards