punch in on the fd-4

It's almost impossible to explain without the manual. However, I think another member and myself covered it some time ago in this forum. Go back and re-read the posts from last year.
Well, here you go... This was really in reference to the FD-8 but I think it is similar enough that you will get the gist. It only took a few minutes to find:

First you need to put it on the auto punch clipboard. There are six buttons under the word "preview". You need to assign the punch-in spot and the punch-out spot with the auto punch-in and out buttons (2nd and 3rd buttons from the left). While the song is playing, when you get to the point you want to punch in, hit store, then in right above it. At the punch out location hit store again, then out. You don't have to do these on the same pass (often times it's just easier not to actually, especially if it's tight). It matters when you hit store...that will be the location point. By hitting the in or out button afterwards just assigns that location to that button. So you want to make sure that the locations are correct: just hit the auto punch-in button and look at the time displayed...do the same for the auto punch-out.

To record this, do the following (there is a way to rehearse that is a variant of what I'm explaining...you should be able to figure that out with the manual once I explain this). If you hit the auto punch-in button and it displays the proper time, then hit locate (small button above "play"). It will go to that spot. Rewind about ten seconds or so (whatever you need) then press shift first, hold and hitrecord: this will cause it to display "sync" in little blinking letters. Once this blinking thing appears you are ready for action. Assign the tracks and hit play and record like you normally do and it will start recording at the punch-in time and stop at the punch-out time! Remember you can always "undo" anything.

Godd luck. Hope this helps!


By the by, as a newbie, if you really want help, don't be too sarcastic, or there are guys on this board that will chew you up and spit you out.


Hey man thanks alot I appreciate the help.....but the part about chewing me up and spitting me out,,,come on now do we really have to go there? I do appreciate the help though.......peace!
Re: thanks

sleep said:
Hey man thanks alot I appreciate the help.....but the part about chewing me up and spitting me out,,,come on now do we really have to go there? I do appreciate the help though.......peace!

Hey man; acting like an ass won't get you anywhere.. Just be thankful that he helped you out after your first reply.
you don`t have anything better to do

Now why do have to stick your nose in it? At the time I was frustrated,I thanked that gentlemen for his help,he also made his point about my being rude,I accepted that and thanked him for the advice.Now who are you to come in after the fact and run your mouth? Just shut up.
oh you a snitch

Man what`s wrong with you ? Who are you? Now a moderator should be notified? Just please leave me alone o.k. please mind your bussiness!
O.K., I think we all made our points. The FD-4 is really a neat machine, I enjoy mine alot when I have the time to play with it. Hope you can get it to work well for your needs and if I can be of further assistance, just ask.
Thank You

I want to thank you for the advice I really didn`t mean to sound nasty but I`m sure you know how frustrating it is to really need an answer and still not know.I guess it`s mostly my fault for not getting into the manuel but I guess that`s why we have forums like this to skip the technical terms and help one another.I do appreciate it very much and hope to help or recieve help from you again.