Protools 10 help on Mac


New member
I recorded two records in a studio out of town. The problem that I'm having is every time I try to bounce my track, it bounces for a 1 hour. So I hit esc button on my mac and try it again. Same thing. I highlight what I want to bounce and it does it every time. It does this on both tracks. It's the instrumental / beat he made that's doing it. He bounced it in his studio, but I didn't see what he did. I don't know what setting the engineer did but I can't figure it out for nothing. And if you're wondering why I haven't contacted the engineer about this issue, lets just say we don't communicate any longer because of bad business on his be have. I'm using Pro tools 10 on my Mac Book Pro. All I'm trying to do is make some edits and a radio version and a mp3. Any advice would be greatly welcome. :confused:
Have you set the loop locators on the top ruler and then just gone to file>bounce to>disk


or have you selected something on the edit window?
@phillyt2k I don't think I set the loop locators when I highlighted the track. I just highlighted the track and then tried to bounce the track. I haven't changed anything on my edit window. The only think I did was set the previous outputs to my studio outputs so I can hear the sound out of my studio monitors.
Rather than selecting an an area by clicking/dragging on a waveform, select the area by clicking/draggin in the ruler section at the top of the page.
This should create the start/end markers that you're missing, and the bounce should reflect that.

Philly's picture is exactly what you should see. :)