PropellarHead Reason 4 Drum Software

I wouldn't judge reason off of playing around with re-birth. Re-Birth is extreamly out dated. Download the demo version of Reason and play with it. Most every thing I do is in a hardrock/heavy metal format, and I'm really picky about my sound. I hate it when things sound fake. I use reason and the Reason Drumkits 2.0 refill (aka RDK 2.0). I rewire reason into Sonar and do all my final sound processing form within sonar to really help round out the sound and add that studio polish. The stock samples that come with Reason are usable as long as your not going for a perfect live sound, and by that I mean; As long as you dont need your drums to sound like they were recorded on a drumset by a drummer in a studio. Other wise they are fantastic, and I regualarly use them for my more textured percusion (IE. an industrial sound). There are other options out there besides Reason, and in the end it comes down to what ever works best for you. I know some people that prefer Native Instruments Battery, and while it is a good program I prefer the mixing board GUI of Reason, as it is more intuitive.

Get your hands on what ever you can and play with it to figure out works best for you. I say try before you buy. Because yes 500 bones is quite a lot to have to justify when your looking at an empty wallet, and your needs are still not met.
reason is pretty cool. i use it rewired to ableton or sonor, and often even do the bulk of composing in reason as a stand-a-lone. the sequencer is flexible, and will allow you to program a pretty realistic drum track by varying velocities and placement, if that is what you are going for. OTOH, you could also warp the crap out of the drums with the nnxt. the effects processors are very usable once you get used to how they work.
i am still using 3.0, but 4.0 has some new features that look especially tasty, like the thor synth. i am always saving for something.