Promotion: Get Your Own Music Selling Website Here

JC Blade

New member
What's good everyone? I just thought I'd share this with you.

I have found a new website to sell your music, and I have written a little bit of guidance about it on my blog. This would mainly be useful for people who don't already have their own website, but is also useful for those who might want to upgrade their current set up. I don't see why people still pay monthly fees to sell music on other peoples website, when they're held at the mercy of the owner of the site.

It can be used by rappers, singers, producers, bands...anything to do with music.

And, no, I'm not the owner of the website...I just paid for it last Thursday.

Check it out: Official JC Blade Blog: A New Website To Sell Your Music

JC Blade
Chill the hell out man, I actually bought the site and think it's a dope resource. If you just check out the videos showing you what you can do with it you'll see...even stuff like the mailing list builder and everything are more expensive to assemble individually.

I'm not a spammer...I'm a beatmaker, like many people on this site.
iTunes does it for 1/10th the price man - reality check?

I may be mistaken, but doesn't that cost money per track? And even so, surely you have your own website to point record labels and fans to?

You don't need to take this option, there are others, but in my opinion, having your own music that has the power to distribute your music for free and for a fee, being able to build a mailing list of fans, post your blog, get together all of your youtube clips and have ad spaces that you can make money on is valuable.

Getting music on itunes is good, but you're competing with a lot of established acts and few people will stumble upon your music and buy it. You have to spend time pointing potential fans towards why do that to single tracks up on itunes when you could just point them towards your website, that they can save to their favorites and keep forever.

And the site offers more than that; groups of bands can team up and use the site to promote all of them, or a record label could use it to promote all of their acts, or people can use it to establish their own music selling websites and charge people commission for selling their music on it.

Personally, I liked the look of the site, so I bought it. You may be happy with just paying a fee per song on itunes and collecting money that way, and that's cool...but this is just an option for those looking to establish their own music selling website without monthly fees.

No disrespect or anything, I respect where you're coming from.

Stay blessed,

JC Blade
Nope - entire album for 35 bucks a year on Itunes. And facebook is free.
Plus you're spamming your site to make money off the members which is a big no no around here.
$35 for an album vs. $47 one of fee for a site that hosts 250 tracks that you can host on free servers if you don't want to pay for hosting?

I wrote the review because I bought it and believe in it and I wrote why in my blog. I've also recommended Warbeats, which has no affiliates link, and will be recommending this place if I feel it's a good resource with a strong community. I don't just review or recommend things to make me money, and you can check my blog to make sure.

If you're happy paying $37 for every album then thats fine man, like I said before...I just posted this incase someone wanted to have their own website to sell their music. It's your money and it's on you.

But I seriously recommend you get your own website with your own .com address (even if you use a standard template on just to drive your own fans towards, and try to get a mailing list together. That way if you point a whole bunch of your fans towards and they like your music, in a years time they may decide to re-visit, see a new album or single and buy that too. Just pointing people towards an itunes album doesn't make sense because in a year or two you may no longer be paying the fee to keep it up there, so they'll just be re-directed to the itunes homepage.

The site I was talking about is just for people looking to sell their own music through their own website. At the very least you should be trying to get a website together with all of your albums on that you can update as you add more albums and print on business cards or flyers to hand out to your fans at gigs.

If you don't want the site, don't buy it, but at the very least get a basic site.

Can you explain why it's shit ? I have no favour either way, but I'm intrigued. I freely admit that I'm ignorant on such matters but what I'm not ignorant of is a good argument and I'm curious to know what's shitty about what this JC geezer from Luton is proposing.