promoting my music lessons? need some ideaz


Scholarly Gentleman
What's up muthalickaz:

My job cut my hours in half...need money. I'm gigging a lot more but I figured that I would start my lessons up again, cuz' its cake.

I created a couple tear-off flyers to hang on some bulletin i'm looking for some ideas on where to post them, but since I go to people's houses, I need to keep it local.

My ideas: Schools, in the music dept., Grocery Stores...idk.

What won't work: local music stores (like the one I work at) because of conflict of interest. Starbucks, because they don't accept paid services.

Any general ideas?

Most of the lessons here are taught by the big music stores. Put your ad up in grocery stores, kijiji, craigslist, local newspaper.
The thing that worked for me at least - which you already tried probably - is having contact with other music teacher's around who teaches kids, and other minors. Parents roam around that school with their kids anyway and there's always some kids that wants to try my instrument, and then my friend recommends me first hand. Recommendations from other teacher's will always be your best bet I think.