Promoting demo in States while living abroad


New member
Hi Guys,

I'm an English guy living in Barcelona. I play with a band here & while starting off is no problem we feel that our style of music has no real future here as we sing in English & play classic sounding guitar based pop music (influences: Beatles;Stone Roses; Teenage Fanclub; The Smiths; Echo and The Bunnymen etc). Our market is clearly UK & USA.

So...question: how do we promote ourselves in the States while living this side of the pond? You often see bands with record deals, especially on small independent labels (where we expect to start), in countries other than where they're based. So it's possible.

I know that college radio is a powerful medium over there - does anyone know if you can get a list of addresses anywhere? Which ones are the most accessible? Are some more specialised than others?

What other options are there?

If any of you are interested yu can check out our first demo on our web site at The songs were recorded very quickly & cheaply & with a drum machine instead of live drums but you can here the strong melodies in there, especially "From The Place..." The next demo which is (finally) nearing completion will be ready soon, this time with real drums (albeit recorded in the rehearsal room - we are all very hard pressed for cash)
I would like to know about this too.

I write English music and living in Asia the market for that is quite limited.