Promise Ring?


New member
anyone heard these guys?

i think they have awesome drum sounds...and the stereo guitars are to die for. if you haven't heard them, get a hold of the song The Deep South. and let me know what you think of it. i love the style of recording. anyone else know of these guys? ok, i'm done

Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of their music, but the last two records sounded terrific. J Robbins, of Jawbox/Burning Airlines fame recorded them and he certainly knows what he's doing behind the board. Two other records he worked on that you may enjoy are "Emergency and I" by The Dismemberment Plan (Desoto), and "Steps for the Light" by The Up On In (Big Top). Oh, he recorded both Jets To Brazil records as well....

Wow, i didn't know if anyone around here would be into those guys, they are one of my favorite bands!! just saw them in San Francisco a couple weeks ago or so... rock!!!
