Program Changes on DBX Provocal


New member
I'm having some trouble getting a DBX Pro Vocal processor to respond to MIDI messages sent from a Roland FC-200 foot controller. The FC-200 has been tested with other equipment and works fine, and I've actually tried this on two different Provocal units now with the same results: none.

Whether the Provocal is set to the same MIDI channel as the FC-200 or to "omni" mode, I can get it to respond neither to program changes nor to CC messages on the expression pedal.

Is there something I'm overlooking? DBX technical support won't reply to my help requests.
Thanks for the reply. I'll try the "bank select" thing and hooking it up to another MIDI controller. The FC is battery-powered, so that may be it.
I hooked the Provocal to another MIDI controller, and the program changes went through. It looks like the FC-200 may not be able to send enough power to register on it even though it can control the rest of my equipment just fine. "Bank Select" was already off.

Decision time: I like the FC-200 much better than the Provocal, so I'll probably be keeping the former and selling off the latter. The preamp's really good, but the effects left me wanting more. I agree with the SOS review that reads, "Most of the amp models are too distorted to be useful."
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