Profire 2626


New member
I just bought a headphones (Shure SRH440) for my profire 2626. I was having problem routing them but i finally got them to work. but now that its working, I can only hear a sound from one side of the headphones.
Please give the routing setup for both headphones and monitor without affecting each other.I'm not sure If I did it right.
I have my monitor out on Analog 5/6

Heres what I got

under analog out 1/2---->>> Mixer OUT and under the Master Volume Knob check Analog Out 1/2
THis thing is complicated for me too.
thanks but actually I tried what you said above asdd.jpgsafafasf.jpg

because analog 5/6 and analog 1/2 have the same routing, the sound coming out of the headphone is now controlled by the master know. so, it still doesn't solve the problem but thanks tho
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nothings changed. The sound coming out of my heaphones is still only from the left. My headphones are working both sides. I tried it.
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there IS a sound coming out of the second headphone output if I make the Analog 3/4 Aux 2
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I know nothing of the 2626 but since the routing is done in pairs I think you should have both channels.
Have you checked the headphones themselves on another source?

Scrub that!

Its weird because when I try this and use the headphone 2 on my profire, i get full wide stereo even though the knobs in the picture arent even asfaf.jpg

but when I do this on the Headphone 1 I only hear sound on the left