Production Credit


New member
Hey guys,

So we just finished recording at a studio in the city. I have just come to putting credits etc on the sleeve.
Can we (the band) share the production credit with the producer at the studio? The songs haven't changed much in the process but he has had his fair share of useful input. I've been trying to read up on who gets production credit. Things I have read relate to arrangement of songs, what's in the song, how the song flows etc.

Any suggestions?

Oh and if you want to listen to one of the new tracks (with a sweet sax solo in it) it is on our MySpace at http: // The song is called "Trouble".

Thanks in advance.
From my experience, the producer gets the credit for "producing" the album. The band gets the majority of the credit for writing the album...
Or you can share credit. The studio producer usually wants his name on it to pad his resume, and if the songs take off, he looks good. What do you gain by being listed as producer? Not much, but most egos want to take all the credit. Share it if you want to eventually produce others, and can use your own recordings as a resume. Give it to the studio producer if you want to help him pad his resume, and use that leverage later to swing studio cost deals.
Me, I usually don't care. I've 'co-produced' with no credit. I've played drums on a whole CD, and overdubbed some guitar on one song, with no credit for the guitar part. I've played bass on a few CD's and touched up the drum parts, again with no credit. My name was on there once, and that's enough for me. None of the CD's actually went anywhere, even with college radio station airplay and some good local newspaper reviews. In the grand scheme of things, had I complained and demanded credit, I could have alienated people and still been no further ahead in my illustrious career, except now having a reputation as a whiner.
What ranjam says ^^^.

I will add that there have been occasions when I most definitely have not wanted credit. This happens when the artist insists on having things mixed in a particular way, and I think it sounds bad. I wouldn't want my name associated with that.
What ranjam says ^^^.

I will add that there have been occasions when I most definitely have not wanted credit. This happens when the artist insists on having things mixed in a particular way, and I think it sounds bad. I wouldn't want my name associated with that.

Hello Gecko ... I remember some of your songs with great affection! Especially the one about the rusty old car... Frankie xxx

Is up-fiddler still about?
What ranjam says ^^^.

I will add that there have been occasions when I most definitely have not wanted credit.

When that happens to a director in the film industry, he has an out: the directing credits are listed as "Alan Smithee." Thus, the real director's reputation does not suffer so much (but insiders know who is who.)
It doesn't really matter. If you feel you produced the album, then you produced the album. If there was a guy in the studio giving input that actually made it in the album, then he/she produced it as well. You could always just talk with him/her and say, "Hey, you want a producer credit on our album?" They might say, "No, I don't want to be associated with it." haha j/k
Hello Gecko ... I remember some of your songs with great affection! Especially the one about the rusty old car... Frankie xxx

Is up-fiddler still about?

Thanks Frankie! Up-fiddler has packed his bags and wandered away to different pastures somewhere. Ive not seen him around for a long time. In recent weeks I've been excessively busy and have not been around much either.
I don't understands why bands don't produce their own shit. Fuck some outside goon telling you how to do things.
I don't understand why bands don't produce their own shit. Fuck some outside goon telling you how to do things.
While I can see why initially a band or artist might have a producer, I must admit, I wonder why more bands don't produce their own stuff. They certainly used to. There again, maybe the term 'producer' or the concept of 'production' means too many different things now.
I see it as a a family sharing a household... SOMEone has to be in charge at times, even if its someone different at different times fro different things...

that someone is the producer, I would guess, lol...

you can have 2 (or more) people want turned up in the mix, to be more prominent. What mixer wants THAT going on, arguing over his shoulder while hes tryng to work?

whos making the decision WHICH tracks to use in assembling a particular track?

In my mind, the producer is like the father wearing the pants in the household. Does he know EVERYTHING, every time some decision is to be made? No, but his decisions should be "right" most of the time...

shouldnt he be making the choices, and settling artistic squabbles?

many bands grow "stale" after a few projects, without a producer guiding them along. others? make too much money, and start recording, mixing, and being their own "producer"... which CAN be great, but... sometimes spells the end of the career for the band as a whole...

In my mind, SOMEone has to be in charge.

PLUS, whoever is BANKROLLING the project, thats the producer, isnt it?

in MY mind, its like walmart... sure, you could remove all the managers and whatnot, and yeah, shoppers come and go that day like nothing is amiss... maybe for a week or two...

but here and there, DECISIONS have to be made, and it will end in squabbles without effective leadership.

and dont give me that "we're tight man, were all democratic on everything, man!" line... if you have 4 members, and its a 2-2 tie whether track 4 is going to use the acoustic version, or the electric version... you need a leader (producer) to call the "tie"...