Producer credits.... what do you do?

Shiny Rhino

New member
I'm not sure if this is the right forum, but seeing how the scenario could fit into the "publicity" side of this forum, here goes.

The situation is this.... You have a talented young singer that comes to you with a well written, but simple song. You are given the reins to produce it as you see fit. So you arrange the eff outta it and you turn it into something the singer is really impressed with, and it ends up being awesome. What kinda "deal" is made before the recording began regarding production credits and such? Currently I just bill for the time I spend producing it and ask to be given credit in print where/when it's warranted. Am I missing out on anything?
From my perspective, you're not missing out on anything. You get some money and some credit. That's reasonable.
Thanks GZ, I wasn't sure if producers get "arrangement royalties" when the song went from acoustic guitar only, to a full-blown production and then was making money from downloads, placements etc...
A producer could get arrangement royalties if you make that deal to start with. You could forgo your upfront fee and work out a percentage.

But you are likely to find it more profitable the first way.