Proco Mic Cables


New member
Just wondering if a 50 ft. Proco Ameriquad Mic Cable for $49.95 was a good deal? Does anyone use these cables? How do they compare to Mogami? Is it worth it to spring for 50 ft. Mogami's for $78 a piece?
zackformula said:
Just wondering if a 50 ft. Proco Ameriquad Mic Cable for $49.95 was a good deal? Does anyone use these cables? How do they compare to Mogami? Is it worth it to spring for 50 ft. Mogami's for $78 a piece?
IMO, Proco cable is cheap crap... get the Mogami cable.
zackformula said:
... Is it worth it to spring for 50 ft. Mogami's for $78 a piece?

YES. Absolutely yes. One other good thing about Mogami cable is how soft it is compared to some others. If you've ever used 50ft of rigid cable, you'd know what I mean. For such large lengths of cable, it would seem to make sense to be able to solder your own, because you would likely save a lot of money... but there are a lot of us (myself included) who can't do anything with a soldering iron... Also consider Canare cable from In direct comparison, I have found some differences in the 'sound' of the two brands of cable (Mogami/Canare)... not anything better or worse, just a bit different.
I recommend getting out the soldering iron and doing it yourself. I promise you its not as difficult as it seems. You could be building the same cables with Neutrik connectors and Canare cable for about $20 a cable. Can be time consuming, but think how much money you could save.