problems with ewx 24/96 card


New member
i installed this yesterday and i cant get any sounds coming new at pc recording,is there anything else im supposed to do?

Terratec EWX 24/96

G'Day Wayne,

I have an EWX 24/96 and I can get lots of sounds from mine.:) Some points that may be relevant:

1) Are you aware that the EWX doesn't have a sound chip built into it? If you are using a sequencer you'll need a software synth to produce sounds.

2) If you are playing CDs, you'll need to go into the EWX control panel and choose External Clock Sync, otherwise - no sound.

3) Ensure there are no IRQ conflicts. This is the cause of a great many audiocard probs. Move the EWX to a slot as far from the video card as possible.

Erm, can't think of any more right now, but gives those a burl first then report back if it doesn't help.

What software are you using with the card?

thanks for replying trying to use it with sonar 2.0 xl. when i did a hardware check it says that it is working properly but when i did a sound check it sys my card is not capable of making goiing right now to try your suggestions.ill let you know how it turns out.

ok bluesmiester, i did what you said and now i can hear hiss from my speakers (i couldnt even get that much before ) but when i press play in sonar it doesn't do anything.i did another hardware test and it still says my sound hardware cannot play sounds.any more suggestions?

OK Wayne, let's not panic here, the EWX is a fine soundcard and will produce some very nice noises for you.

First point I have to make is that I'm a HomeStudio 2002 user. I'm not familiar with the hardware test you mention in SONAR. Are you refering to the Profile Hardware button in Options? If so, then I do have that in HS2002 :)

Do you have a CD connected to the card? I have mine connected via the connector that allows digital audio from the CD-ROM (I think Terratec call it TTN or something like that). You have to set one of the jumpers though, and the documentation isn't very clear on how to do this. Remember though if you're playing CDs to set the clock sync to External. I've been caught a few times myself with this ;) Also, I occasionally get no sound through the CD, so I have to sync Internal then External and that does the trick.

Next, do you have the latest WDM drivers from Teratec? Make sure you use the WDM drivers exclusively even if the MME drivers are available. There is a tick box somewhere in options for this.

There are some demo files with SONAR (I presume they're the same ones as those with HS2002). Try playing Tutorial5.bun (I think that's the one). It has some audio tracks in it and they should play through your EWX. MIDI files require a soft synth, there is a tutorial in SONAR that describes how to work with Soft Synths.

If you are still not getting any sound, check which drivers are enabled in SONAR. Click on the EWX mixer and make sure your faders are not all at zero position.

Try playing an MP3 through MusicMatch Juke Box, see if that produces any sound.

I'm at work right now, but I'll check your response when I get home this evening. Good luck :cool:

sorry i didn't get to check your reply till now bluesmeister,but im at work now and ill try those things when i get home tonight and reply.the hardware check wasn't in sonar,it was the check that the computer itself does.anyway,ill try everything tonight and i want to go ahead and thank you very much for your help so far.ive posted at alot of forums about this and terratec's support and you are the only one who is trying to help me,so thank you very much.

ok bluesmeister,i got home now i done alot of fiddling with it and i really couldn't tell you exactly what i did because im not too sure myself and im not too computer savvy but now when i hit play,it does play but i can't hear it.its a rumbling sound and then it drops out after a few seconds.i also forgot to tell you that when i check in the hardware screen on the pc it says that it doesnt support plug and play.does this make a difference? oh yea,i tried to play the demo song and i just get a low rumble and then a high pitched sound and then it drops ou.i did download the drivers and im not sure if im using them or not.i know that when i went to unzip the file it said 4 files were successfully that right?faders are where supposed to not too sure about the playing the cd importing wav files that i recorded on a tascam 788.any idea what this could be?

once again thanks for everything,
Let's Get This Sorted...

OK Wayne, time to roll up the sleeves...

What system do you have? What sort of CPU do you have and how much RAM?

Have you checked the IRQ of the EWX? Is there any other hardware sharing the same IRQ?

What's the signal chain from your EWX? That is, how are you monitoring the signal? Are you going through a mixer, an amp or whatever?

When you play the SONAR Tutorial5.bun, click on the EWX icon in your system tray and check that the meters are actually moving. That at least means you're getting signal from SONAR to the EWX.

I wouldn't worry too much about Plug & Pray, that's just Windows method of automatically recognising new hardware and setting it up for you. You can install new hardware manually: .My Computer>Control Panel>Add New Hardware.

Updating the EWX drivers, you must go into My Computer>Control Panel>System> Click on the Device Manager tab. Click on the + sign next to Game, Video & Game Controllers. The EWX 24/96 should be in the list. Is there an exclamation mark next to it? Let's hope not :)

To update the driver double click on EWX24/96.
Click on the Driver tab
Click on the Update Driver button
You'll have to tell Windows where the driver is located. When you unzipped the file you will have designated a directory to unzip the files to. I always lob new drivers into directories so that I can find them later if I need to. For example, my EWX drivers are in a directory called Terratec Drivers.:)

I note that the Tascam 788 is a digital recorder. Are you trying to import direct from the Tascam into SONAR? Or is it playing back the Tascam through the EWX that's not happening? The Tascam is fitted with an optical S/PDIF, and so too is the EWX! But I have a feeling if you use the optical/digital in on the EWX you can't connect a CD-ROM because the jumper only allows one or the other. Your EWX manual should clarify that.

Oh yes, the Tascam is 24-bit, 44.1kHz so you may need to set your bit depth in SONAR accordingly, I don't know anything about the Tascam. Maybe you should start a separate thread about importing from the Tascam into SONAR. Somebody must have had some success doing this.

First things first though, let's get some noise happening!

And to the rest of you interested readers, stay tuned for the next exciting episode.;)


i have a gateway 500 se,384 ram,p4 1.6 cpu,running windows not sure what irq do i check that?i burnt the tracks as wav files onto a cd and imported them into sonar.i have an rca line running from the analog outs of the ewx to the inputs of my monitors.the meters are not moving on the ewx.i checked in the device mgr and there is no !. and it says its working properly.ill try the driver update when i get home.ill post my results when i try it.

thanks so much for your help,
IRQ Check

OK Wayne, pass me that spanner, no, no - the big one!;)

Right, let's check that IRQ:

Click on My Computer>Control Panel>System
Click on the Device Manager tab.

Look for Sound Video & Game Controllers
Click on the + sign.
Right click on Audio System EWX 24/96
Click on Properties
Click on the Resources tab.

You will now see in a small window the Interrupt Request Mine says 10 (that's IRQ 10). Below that is the Conflicting Device List

Now if everything is operating OK it will say No Conflicting Devices and you can shout out loud "Praise be to William Henry Gates the 3rd!"

If there is a conflict we'll have to manually change the IRQ.

So the meters aren't moving in the EWX control panel, that means the signal isn't getting to your soundcard. Have you checked that it's seated firmly in the slot?

I've just played Tutorial5.BUN which is audio files and it works just fine. Did you try this yet? My Wave Play Analog meters and Analog Out meters were dancing up and down as they should.

In SONAR, go into Options>Audio and check your Playback Wave Device and Record Wave Device.

Mine are both 1:EWX 24/96 Wave Analog.

My Buffer size is set to 350.0 Safe at present.

Click on the Drivers tab and ensure you've got everything enabled in Input Drivers and Output Drivers

See how you get on with those Wayne before we attempt any major surgery. :)

ok bluesmeister,
sorry it took so long to reply.ive been out of town.i couldnt find the irq thing you were tellimg me about but i did change the location of the card and i am now getting the meters jumping but still no sound.and every time i try to play a track it drops out after about 3 seconds.i dont know what to do and i know you can only do so much from wherever you are at especially me being computer stupid.oh,one other thing,sometimes when i close the program and come back to it,it has changed my recording driver to modem line #1 or #2.

thanks again,
IRQ Conflict


I can't say for sure, but I would think you have an IRQ conflict. Do you have any friends who know more about PCs than you do? Print out all of my instructions and go through the Let's check that IRQ routine. That's what would cause the change of recording driver. Try again step by step.

Did you re-profile the card after moving its position? Very imporant that you do that.

At least we got the meters dancing, now we need to hear what they're dancing to!! Are your monitors powered speakers? The signal from your soundcard must be amplified before it passes to the speakers.

Keep hanging in there. We'll solve this one yet :)

hey blues,its funny that you mention cousin is coming into town today and he really knows his stuff when it comes to computers and ill get him to check it out.ill let you know how it goes.also i just bought a audio media III card from a guy off of the digidesign forum so after all this im probably goiing to end up using that card instead.i bought that card just so i could get into using pro tools.i record on outboard gear but i want to edit with the pc and that was the cheapest way i could get into pro tools.$100 but still ,ill let you know how it goes with the terratec.
