Problem with one of my ECM 8000s


New member
I am using my ECMs as Drum Overhead mics. I have them running as a pair wiuth the same gain on each one. I noticed on my Aardvark Control Panel and on my recorded wav forms that the left one is significantly less (10% of the other). I unhooked it and tried it direct to another channel (thinking it was the cabling,channel, etc) Nope, I have to turn up the gain extremely high to hear any output on the mic. Defintely not normal.

This was last night, after being frustrated and not wanting to troubleshoot it, I put it back in the drum room and went to bed.

Today. I powered up my whole system, and voila..... no problems worked great...........for about 20 minutes..... then the same thing.

Any thoughts?

I tried turning off phantom power for a few minutes and turning it back on. the mic works for a few minutes and then it stops working.

could it be an issue with cooling and warming components inside the mic?

anyone have any experience?

Maybe I need to do the ECM mod:) :)


The first thing comes to mind is a capsule. Unfortunately it is out of production and Digikey doesn't have it in stock anymore. However, it might be other things as well. You can go to my thread and see the schematics I posted. It has voltages (the first one), so you can check if they are OK.
This mic is so cheap that it would be easier to buy a new one than to repair yours. I would gladly buy it from you. PM me with your offer if you wish.
Or... here you were right on track. Mod it! Mod it!
If you have place in your studio for your stock one, you will definitely love the modded one.

I have two more on the way, bought from someone here looking to get rid of them.

I am going to mod the old ones or at least the broken one. I'll move my conversation to the ECM mod thread.
