Problem with new tascam 34B


New member
I've got a quick question for anyone who can help. Recently I bought a tascam 34b. I haven't used it yet until today when the tape I ordered arrived. It seems that reels don't move unless I have it in edit mode when the takeup reel is disengaged. As for playing a tape, recording, etc.., nothing happens when I push the function buttons except when the edit button is down. Am I missing something or am I going to have to get it serviced.


I've not seen it happen, but what does often cause this kind of thing is the rubber seal on the brake solenoids turning into kuck and clogging them. If you dismantle the solenoids (which requires dismantling the machine of course) and clean them, it should fix the problem.
If you don't feel up to it, or you don't have the service manual, get it serviced.
I hate to be a goofball by asking, but are you sure you have the tape threaded right?

I once thought all was lost except the Dump tape or edit or something, but when the bong wore off i realized i needed the other tension arm engaged.

-Sad but true i know-
Definitely threading the tape right...starting to think it's more of a problem than I thought. Guess I'm going to have to get it serviced if I can find someone who's up to the task unless anyone has any other ideas.
yeah, do what jpmorris said.

take off all of the knobs, rollers, screws, bottom screws, and the nut around the pitch control. mark the position of the solenoids, remove them, take them apart and clean them. put everything back together and give it a go. let us know what happens.