Problem loading WavManager onto a Mac


New member
Hello folks. I've been using Fostex MR16 with WavManager to Audacity then Cubase for over a year. Everything's been great. Luvit. However, I just converted my whole system to Mac and am trying to install WavManager - but every time I try to open the application, it crashes.
-Has anyone else had a problem downloading Wavemanager onto a Mac (OSX 10.6.5). What reason might it keep on closing out before it's even launched?
-Can anyone tell me how to determine the software version of My MR16? I can't find it in the manual to determine if I need an upgrade.

I'd be so very grateful for any insights from fellow users. I depend on this and I'm not sure where to go for tech support. Thanks guys-jaj
Hello folks. I've been using Fostex MR16 with WavManager to Audacity then Cubase for over a year. Everything's been great. Luvit. However, I just converted my whole system to Mac and am trying to install WavManager - but every time I try to open the application, it crashes.
-Has anyone else had a problem downloading Wavemanager onto a Mac (OSX 10.6.5). What reason might it keep on closing out before it's even launched?
-Can anyone tell me how to determine the software version of My MR16? I can't find it in the manual to determine if I need an upgrade.

I'd be so very grateful for any insights from fellow users. I depend on this and I'm not sure where to go for tech support. Thanks guys-jaj

I have WaveManager loaded on my Mac and it works fine. However, my Mac is a PPC G4. From your OS version I assume that you have an Intel Mac.

Installing WaveManager on the Mac, you unzip a "zip" file that contains a PDF and an APP file. To install, you copy the app file to an appropriate directory. Looking at the documentation, It looks to me that the compiled version of WaveManager 2.11 is only setup for PowerPC chip Macs, not the Intel. The only OS version they directly reference is 10.4.xx which was Tiger. Tiger was from just before they changed chips from PowerPC to Intel.

So, that may be your problem.

If you can verify that WaveManager doesn't work with the Intel Macs, you aren't completely out of luck. You can run the windows version of WaveManager by loading windows on your Mac using something like Parallels or Boot Camp.

There is a WAVmanager for Mac... Go to Fostex Support - Index

You have to join in order to see it, its special members you can download any manual and software updates... This >wavmanager is the most recent software update 2.00
Folks - Thanks so much for your insights. This has been (AND IS STILL) making me crazy. I have been in touch with the Mac tech people trying to find ways to load my Fostex content to my Mac so I can use Logic Express to edit and mix. By setting the Fostex to USB device mode, and plugging into the Mac, I can actually see the wav files on the fostex hard drive, but not by track - and there are absolutely loads of them... every single tryout I did on every track (since prior recordings don't auto erase when you record over something). Impossible to know which are the "current", most recent (wanted) tracks. Additionally, it often imports without playable sound (I get the recognizable wav file) - and bombs out sending an error message. Finally, when you turn off the Fostex USB device mode (or when it freezes), the Mac is upset - it tells me I didn't "remove the disk" correctly and Mac will try to repair the files at next opening. I'm beginning to regret migrating to Mac... I was fine with audacity and cubase on my PC - I used them very successfully without a problem for a couple of years, but my PC got old and my image work needed a Mac... I have spent the last month or two dealing with this stuff, and not making music - I'M SURE YOU'VE ALL BEEN THERE!