Pro type Vocal sounds?


New member
Not sure if this is the right area or not but it has to do with recoding vocals so I believe this area should work.

I'm basically in my ending of finishing a mixtape. So all I am doing is rapping over studio quality instrumental beats. Now for my vocal Iam recoding using Adobe Audition 3. I usually record my vocals and then hit it with some compression and give an extra gain boast of about 5. but it just doesnt sound as loud as the instrumental. I know instrumental was probably mastered at a pro studio but is there any other tips/tools I could be using to make my vocals sound a bit cleaner. By cleaner I mean sound professional. not the recording style of the sound of the recording..

thanks guys!
If the vocal isn't loud enough....raise the fader. ;)

(Or lower the instrumental tracks).

Can you post a song so we can hear what you are hearing?
lol sometimes things are that easy.. thats what I have been pretty much doing.. lowering track vocals up and playing it by ear.

just to get something clear as i am not sure if this is how it goes.

I assume professional artist record in a studio and when they are done they send the track to get mastered and thats what makes it get to the levels we see in commercial cd's?
Yup :) Sometimes it is simple as that. Don't worry about overall loudness. Just get the balance between the vocals and instrumental right. Once you're happy with the overall balance, the rest of the loudness can be accomplished through compression and limiting of the overall mix.

However, there is another side to this. A little while ago I had started a thread about my displeasure regarding a certain sample CD I have where the drum track was already "mastered"... err.... limited to hell, where the transients were chopped off. It's a mess. Sure it sounds nice and loud, but makes itself pretty much useless for serious recording work. This may very well be the case for the instrumental track that you are using as well.
That vocal sound doesn't come from anything the pros do to the sound after it is recorded. It comes from an experianced singer who knows how to control his voice and "work" a mic.
Be aware of your voice as you sing. Pitch is only half the battle. Stay vigilant with your tone, emotion, power, etc. Use the mic as an instrument. Be aware how tone changes as you move near, far, off to an angle, up, down, etc. Learn the mic and work it as the song dictates.