pro-tools users-question


New member
i've been recording on a yamaha md8 and i want more tracks/options. i was told by a reputable engineer that pro tools Digi 001 would be a good way to go. i've tried checking it out on their website but i can't seem to find the answers to what i want to know. is it a 24 track recording system? it says something about 8 inputs, does this mean i can simultaneosly record 8 or less tracks at a time? it says 8 but the rack unit only has 2 inputs, how do i get more? i am completely new to computer recording, hopefully someone can help me out. thanks!
I love my digi 001.

It has 8 inputs on the box. 1-2 inputs are pre-amps. and 3-8 are line level inputs. so you would need more pre-amps to make the sound louder, or be cheap like me and plug the mic straight in to it :D. Also on the PCI card there is a light pipe plug (optical) so you could hook up a 8 channel adat. Or what i plan on doing another time putting a Presonus DIgimax, which is a 8-channel pre-amp with lightpipe out. So i could record 16 tracks at the same time.

The digi001 box also has 8 outs. 1 midi in and 1 midi out. Along with SPDIF in/out.
